In the examples about Neocons in this article I don't see Democrats, as the term Neocon applies to them as well. The hate for Russia in the USA is nothing which started in the early 1960s as the article points out and as well as other articles I have read. The hate for Russia has been in the minds of the US politicians and ordinary people since before the 1917 Russian revolution to debunk the Czars which as in any Anarchy or totalitarian government were abusing the serves or ordinary people. People have forgotten the hate for Russia and communism that took place in the US in the early 1930s culminating in the prosecution of people in the US, whom had communist ideas or Russia’s sympathizers and so the "Hollywood Black List" became into existence which John Edgar Hoover, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation 1924-1972, originated. Neocons have always existed in the US regardless if in government or/and ordinary people.
Most neocons argue that the current crisis in Iraq is all Obama's fault for pulling US troops out of the country.
by Cicuta September 21, 2015
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1. What Barack Obama fails at pretending not to be.

2. A person who attempts to destroy a country by driving its economy into the ground through war mongering and constant spending

3. A President who should be shot for treason for not listening to the people.
bob: Man even Dubbua wasn't such a neocon like Obama

Rob: Yeah, Obama should be hung for treason for being such a neocon!
by Vampire847 August 29, 2010
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Neo-Conservatism, even though it isn't conservative. They claim to be for a small government, but they don't. They, representing the Republican, and Neo-Liberalism (or Neolib), representing the Democrats, are the globalist duo of modern American politics before the rise of Donald Trump, who was a Right-wing Populist
Fun fact: The father of Neo-Conservatism was a Trotskyist who turned to capitalism and liberal democracy when he realized that the Communist dream of a World Revolution is impossible
John: Do you know that Richard will vote Republican, even though he is a libertarian?
Steve, an actual libertarian: He is just a fucking Neocon
by EasyLife123 June 5, 2020
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the "con" is just that - a con artist. Neocons claim that they stand for morality, Christian standards, and "family values" when they cheat on their wives, steal money and lust for power and influence so that can swindle the citizenry and control every aspect of their lives. A neocon is described by Rage Against the Machine as a "snake charmer". A neocon can be a Republican, Democrat or something else entirely. They are, as RATM has put it "you, interested in you". A complete bonehead.

Check out "Sweet Neocon" on the recent album "A Bigger Bang" by the Rolling Stones.

"You say you're a Christian
Well I say you're a hypocrite
You call yourself a patriot
Well I think you're a crock of shit...
... how can you be so wrong
my sweet neocon ...
by I Saw U2 Live Twice January 17, 2008
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A person, or supporter who once self-identified as Marxist or socialist, but has since adopted a few superficial trappings of conservatism, such as patriotism, traditional social values, while supporting globalism and growth of the Federal government at the expense of individual freedoms of actual conservatives. Neocons rarely serve in the military, but are so eager to get the US involved any war in the middle east.
That GWB was such a warer-boy for the neocons.
by willie weewee January 23, 2022
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A combination of "Neo"(new) and "Con"(conservative).

"Neocon" is the term for both a new and old (reborn) form of Conservativism. A break from the Reublican party and return to more traditional Conservative values. This represents a fracturing of the Right. Neocons tend to be young, idealistic, and even dogmatic activists. They tend to have above-average intelligence and education. They are very similar to the movements of the 1960s, but with different core values. They are both pessimistic about the current system, and optimistic about the difference they can make.

It is difficult to lock Neocons down to a specific set of values, because they come from a wide variety of backgrounds (including minorities and gays) and have a wide variance in their ideals. Overall, Neocons are pro-life and support the death penalty. Many neocons are religious or "spiritual" in one way or another. They are not necessarily Christian, although that is the religion to which most of them subscribe. Neocons preach tolerance and coexistence without political correctness. They tend to strongly support both the First and Second Amendments of the Constitution. Neocons support Capitalism, but view being beholden to corporate interests with great distaste. And while compromise is a necessary evil in politics, when in doubt, neocons will stick to their guns. Too much compromise is the hallmark of selling out. They believe that the current political process has become so corrupt that no politician can get anywhere without selling out to various interests.

Neocons view the increasingly centrist philosophy of Republican politicians with the same distaste that their radically Liberal opponents feel for the Democrats. Both of the Big Two parties have been migrating towards the center for some time now, leaving behind many on either side. This is manifested by the power wielded by third-party candidates, which was decisive in determining the outcomes of the 1992, 2000 and 2004 Presidential elections. (And resulting in much backbiting on either the Left or the Right afterwards)

This is a new age in American politics. The rise of neoconservativism was one of the more unforseen and underestimated political developments in the last two decades. With similar fracturing on the Liberal side of the political divide, the power-hold of the Big Two parties (Republican and Democrat) is being shaken, and voting for a third-party candidate no longer means you are just "throwing your vote away." The future may be a very interesting time for all of us, Liberal or Conservative.
“The neo-conservatism of the 1980s is a replay of the New Conservatism of the 1950s, which was itself a replay of the New Era philosophy of the 1920s” (Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.).
by Heptarch July 5, 2005
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1. Word used to describe anyone advocating anything short of outright appeasement of tyranny.

2. The boogey man in liberals' campfire scary stories.

3. Word used by the Old Left to describe the JOOOOS!
He's a neocon Republikkkan!

The neocons are establishing a(n) theocracy/police state/America that can actually defend itself!

We should be tolerant of all peop... Is that a neocon?! FASCIST!
by Chase December 29, 2005
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