An unwritten pass that allows you to say the n-word ONCE! Does not expire. Can only administered by black people. Can be traded for sex and/or Pokemon cards.
Jerome gave me an N-word pass but I used it instantly.
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there is no such thing as N-Word pass. It’s an excuse that racist mfs use (non-black people) because they wanna say it so bad for some reason. if you’re not black, you cannot say the n word.
“oh don’t worry i have the n-word pass
“shut the fuck up kyle you’re whiter than yogurt !”
by Nora.13 October 6, 2020
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When a white person doesn't have to say the word "nibba" anymore and can actually use the real word.
white person 1: I just got an N-Word Pass for my b day
white person 2: Lucky, all I can only say nibba without getting beat up
by Dubiks April 26, 2019
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We all know what the N-Word pass is, BUT it doesn't exist. The N-Word pass is a scam made by other people so that if they are friends with a kiss up person they can try and claim that word over African Americans again, but if you decided to give it its a ONE time thing, no back tracking.
Matthew says "Yo can I get an N-Word pass"
Daquan is like "Sure" *blesses him with the pass*
Matthew a few days later goes up to Daquan and says "My nigga wasgood"
~*There is no conflict between the two, he has now used up his N-Word pass*~
by Flopyonce August 28, 2020
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A physical card an N-Word can give you. If one doesn't give one to you, you can rob a bank for one. You can only say the N-Word as a white person with one. (jk idc)
"jamal can i have an n-word pass"
"ok bro here you go"
"thanks my nigga"
by temujin420 August 25, 2022
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The n word pass was created by Martin Luther King Jr in 1956 in an effort to normalise the African American slang speak because many upper class white Americans could not understand what they were saying but his efforts were largely uneffective. In 2014 Barrack Obama signed an n-word pass for his homie Kevin Hart so he could fully become a complete African American after undergoing a number of expensive surgeries to become African American because he wanted to become more like his hero Bill Cosby. Since then the n-word pass has been used by many high profile white people including Jimmy Kimmel, Conan Obrien, Donald Trump and Cortex from popular 90s game Crash Bandicoot.
Richard- "yes my nigger" Damain- "....." Quachain- "... what u say" Richard " don't worry I got the N-word pass. Damain- "ahhh that's casj my nigga."
by English knigger April 29, 2019
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Non-blacks that have this are allowed to say the N-word.
White person: Blah blah blah nigga blah blah blah
Black person: Don't worry I gave him an n-word pass.
by STGamer February 2, 2019
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