A mushroom is normally a girl (possibly a guy) with short hair shaped like a mushroom.
Sonia's new hair cut makes her look like a mushroom
by hehe sonia <3.. February 11, 2010
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A mushroom is an enormous/fat human being with a head shaped slightly abnormal, and a hairstyle which seems to differ from others and resembles a particular type of fungus/mushroom,and their nose seems to be physically misplaced and gigantic.(sometimes it may seem slightly crooked)
by alistar March 12, 2005
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When about to ejaculate quickly shoot your load in the sexual partners hair which will create a wetsticky surface on the persons hair which is similar to the top of a moist mushroom like one you might find in a pleasent area of english woodland

a variation in the word is (shroom hair)
Last night i mushroomed my partner
i Have commited the mushroom on some bird last night

Hah i just gave you a proper mushroom

My Dad just mushroomed your mum

I Mushroomed your wife Last Night
by Mchazzmo May 19, 2009
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A mushroom is guy who is unattractive overall without any redemptive qualities (such as good personality, charisma, sense of humor, smells good). They are just full of cringeworthy qualities such as:
Being painfully ugly
Lacking hygiene
Messy appearance
Typically shy

If there is something good about him that makes him tolerable, then he is probably not a mushroom.

The female equivalent is a moth.
"God, I hate Charlie. He's ugly, almost obese, rude, and smells really bad."

"Golly Jennifer, why are you even friends with that mushroom? All he does is play video games and avoid daylight. "
by misterxoxo November 19, 2015
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A person with absolutely no personality who soaks up personality from other people, especially people they are dating. This would include interests, sense of humor, fashion sense, etc.
The best celebrity example of a mushroom is Brad Pitt. You may notice that he changes the way he dresses and his interests based on who he's dating.

Used in a sentence: James claimed he like strong personalities, but his current girlfriend is evidence that he likes mushrooms.
by Serendipity99 July 5, 2007
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a poisonous fungi grown mostly in shit or on damp logs, that makes you get in touch with your holographic spirit, oh and you trip. the trip lasts for 4 to 8 hours. try some dutch shrooms. goddamn.
by lefty September 16, 2003
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An individual who is closely tied with their origins. So connected to their roots, they stubbornly refuse to live outside of their surroundings. Despite opportunities in other lands, the individual will not migrate. ,affection, lover, immigration, urban, artist
The artist will not blossom abroad, simply because he is a mushroom.
by Ola Plum March 31, 2008
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