A double insult, accusing one of having no father or mother, implying that one was simply found somewhere, possibly under a flat rock or some other place where disgusting things might be found.
You Motherless Bastard!
by MITB December 1, 2007
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An ingenious spin on the ever so versatile term "fuck." Derived from the bowels of a US Navy ship, the term literally means, well, exactly what is says: "motherless fuck." Motherless, meaning without a womb, and fuck... well, there're thousands of possibilities. A comparable term, Mother Fucker, can be used alternately when "motherless fuck" does not fit the context in a desirable fashion (though, I don't foresee many situations in which "motherless fuck" would not work...)
Antonym: Son of a Bitch
by lahija January 25, 2010
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a person that really pisses you off. also nicely said when something bad happens. it is also a good word to say when referring to someone as they would be the scum of the earth.
that motherless dogfucker he should go fuck himself!!!

aww fuck( i stubbed my toe) motherless dogfucker!!

(got knocked out in UFC) Motherless dogfucker!!!
by johnny69drama May 4, 2010
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Often shortened to MSOAT, this barabric insult is used by goons to describe people that they don't have a liking for.
"Would you decease in that constant frivolity you motherless son of a toad!"
by Freddie Leech November 27, 2007
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Someone or something that totally screws up a simple task that you are doing, making it impossible to complete.
You were not born, your father jerked off on a rock you motherless fucking cunt!!
by Cibyll November 18, 2017
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