Morgan is a very talented amazing person! She is always there when you need her. She is loving,caring,smart,funny, beautiful
If you had Morgan Hopkin in your life. It would make it 100% better. She puts herself to difficult tasks but always somehow is good in the end. Morgan is the best person you will ever meet.
I can't believe it. Morgan Hopkin is amazing
by Dezil December 22, 2016
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Morgan is a very kind person.
She is there always when you need her and if you are having a rough day. Morgan always seems to make you smile. She has a very beautiful smile and no one can beat the things she does. She is very caring,loving,helpful, beautiful,funny,smart and turns your frowns upside down. She turned your bad nightmares into good dreams. She is the sparkle in the light. And all her friends will help her out anytime that she needs it. We love Morgan. I don't know what I or anyone else would do without her. She makes you laugh and when u try to talk to her. It's hard not to look into her beautiful eyes.
Whoever made this for Morgan Hopkin is truly one of her great friends.
by Dezil December 22, 2016
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