Its not necessarily what "spanish" people call black people. It means dark skin or dark hair.
Pito: "There be some fine ass morenas at the Puerto Rican Day Parade". Haha Pito really said that! Jejeje
by LaBoricuaDePielMorena June 23, 2005
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A word blacks and latinos call pretty/ attractive {dark} {skinned} girls.
{morrrr -ay- n- ah} takin from the spanish language

megan good
gabriell union
any gurl wit chocolate skin color that look exceptionally good
tiffany "in the house"
bodicua spanis word for puerto rican
red bone
black girl/ MAN that is really light skin
yellow bone
a black girl/ MAN that is brown skin
a gurl who is not attractive cannot qualiffy to be morena sorry!morena is strictly for dem sexy fly dark skinned gurls
-she's a beutiful darkskinned girl she's a morena.
which one look better the redbone-light person- or that morena- dark GURL-
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a female with tanned or dark complexion. most of them could be found in the philippines.
max: i like tan-skinned girls
eric: you should go to the philippines then! there are a lot of morena women. i like their skin complexion too.
by coffee enthusiast May 9, 2018
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In April 13 is the Malta Morena Day, in this day you have to drink at least 2 sixpacks of Malta Morena
Hey marta today is the National Malta Morena day, so lets go to my house and enjoy a ton of Malta Morena
by The Bright Guy April 12, 2018
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A person who has no teeth a.k.a Pangag
Convo wd Kikay,and Honey
Ako:Si kikay kay Morena
Ako:Na sub raan lang pagka Morena
Honey:Wla na sya ron kabalo ug Morena (talking to kikay)😹
Kikay:Kabalo man gud ko ana
Ako:Unsa man daw 😹
by NoDirection January 13, 2023
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Morena was a slavic goddess of a long and cold winter, a winter that could bring death through famine and extreme cold, and which could cause disease and massive death of the cattle.
Our ancestors used to burn a doll that represented Morena in order to to chase away winter, death and disease.
Her arrival was therefore always expected with fear, and her departure was celebrated with a lot of noise and cheer
As the goddess of winter, Morena was never popular among the Old Slavs
by CheeseCqke19 November 21, 2021
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