The Montgomery Cooler is when you have 2 partners one layinen on the ground and one standinen over

And the one standinen over pisses and shitses into the one layinen on the groundses holes
"Hey Aleb come give me a Montgomery Cooler GEKGEKGEKGEK"

by October 20, 2023
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Itses the reverse of a Montgomery Cooler

The Reverse Montgomery Cooler is when the one layinen down projectile shitses and pisses

Into the one standing upses holes
"Itses the reverse of a Montgomery Cooler"
"yknow whats better than a reverse montgomery cooler"
"Itses the reverse of a Montgomery Cooler"
"yknow whats better than a reverse montgomery cooler"
"Itses the reverse of a Montgomery Cooler"
"yknow whats better than a reverse montgomery cooler"
"Itses the reverse of a Montgomery Cooler"
"yknow whats better than a reverse montgomery cooler"
"what's better than a reverse montgomery cooler"
"fuckin' anything else"
by October 19, 2023
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