Ruffy .... is a person who can't exist in the reality. You want to know why...? ok I will tell you the reason. Ruffy is somebody who don't give up. He doesn't care how hard his dream is or how the others advise against it. He just tries it even more. If his opponents insult him or make fun of him, he can only laugh about it. BUT... IF someone dares to tease or attack his friends, he will finish them. Because his friends are the most important to him. And he is funny too xD... and especially very very very VERY dumb. But sometimes he says something clever, however unconsciously. Ruffy is very kind and special too. He always keeps my heart beating. When he cries i have to cry too... and when he laughs i have to laugh too. In the end he is just RUFFY. Yeah he is so special that it's name itself is the appropriate adjective. That's why I think that he can't exist in this world because he is too good for this world.

I could write a whole book. No.
Much more about him but I think that 's enough.😁

If you are interested at him just watch the best anime in the world : One Piece💕.
There are many more special people.
"You can hit me, you can kick me, but if you touch my friends, I'll kill you!"

"As long as, I live I do not let you attack my friends."

"If you don't take risks, you can't create a FUTURE!"

~Quote by Monkey D. Ruffy
by Anonymo💕 March 31, 2018
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