One who has become Addicted to Opiates, has that drugged out nodding appearance and will do anything it takes to obtain pain medication including using many doctors ect. .
Sally's out shopping for several new doctors she's become Quite the Mighty Morphine power ranger.
by JackOfSpeed39 July 31, 2011
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The act of wearing a toy Power Ranger glove on ones hand, causing said hand to become numb, and masturbating using that hand. Lubrication not required, but strongly recommended.
After growing tired of giving himself regular strangers, Chuck slipped on his pink Power Ranger glove and gave himself a Mighty Morphin' Power Stranger.
by Mr. McNasterhash January 28, 2010
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Term used to describe a person who partakes in the usage of cocaine or other powdered control substances.

Also can be used as a term to describe Caucasian people.
Becky and the rest of the Mighty Morphin Powder Rangers be sucking and fucking for that booger sugar.
by Teddygrams254 February 17, 2023
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when someone doesn't give a fuck about you and randomly wears colored gloves during the day.

And he usually gives bitches angry dragons.
That fucking mighty morphin ass ranger is pissing me off because he keeps talking about my emo ass black hair.
by jojoemothafuckinbaby July 11, 2009
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A rear end which has spent numerous hours in an office chair and has slowly begun to take the shape of the chair.
I used to have a nice round back side, but due to my office job I've developed a mighty morphin office booty.
by Tiffeany November 8, 2007
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