Mero(also known as Mero428 or Enes Meral, his real name) is a german rapper. Many people know him in germany. He was really famous in 2018/2019. His first song was ”Baller Los“. Some people don’t like him because his songs are not really good. He calls his fans QDH-Family, which means ”quatre-deux-huit-Family. He has Turkish roots.
Havin: ”I think Mero is really beautiful.“
Helena: ”Ew.“
Havin: ”His music is not that bad.“
Melina: *plays Baller Los and Hobby Hobby*
Helena: ”stop.“
by phatputhay March 25, 2021
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That last name of a micronesian. Although they insist its pronouced 'Meh-ro', it is really pronounced 'Mee roh'.
by NotTrevorKudo July 9, 2009
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Abbreviation for Turkish names that starts with M, such as Meral or Muhammed, Murat.
Yo Mero sup G
by The super G September 26, 2019
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the cooler and shorter way of saying marijuana and the less bait way
"yo you got some mero homie" "hook me up with some mero homes" "yo this mero is of the CHAIN DWAGGGG"
by david grinberg April 14, 2008
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A word for an trashcane, most likely used in the german language does a mero mean that you are trash.

(Similar to son of a bitch)
by Nicyourestupid May 21, 2021
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Spanish slang for the best, the top, the greatest. Can also be can be used to refer to a leader of a group. can also say mera mera when refering to a femenim subject.
there was no way to talk to the Don, he was the mero mero of the gang, always surrounded by his thugs.

K-paz are the mero mero of el pasito duranguense!!!!!!!

**kpaz= musical group, durangense, a type of spanish music
by Biana September 20, 2007
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