She is a funny and a amazing friend and if you fail one you needed to keep her as one of your best mate and she is the boom in less she folds her hand
by maegan besteee December 26, 2018
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That's my Meagan ...☺️
by xXDONALDTRUMPXx June 28, 2016
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An undefinable girl. No words, lyrics, poems or stories could describe how outragously gorgeous this girl is. She is one of a kind, and there is only one true Meagan. She lights up a room with her stunning smile and her big brown eyes look sweetly and kindly to you. She had determination like no other and strives for what her heart wants , you cant stop her from chassing her dreams. She is wise and intelligent with the way she speaks and acts. Losing her would be the biggest mistake of your life, for she is the bestest friend you will ever have. When you look at her you cant help but feel so happy :) She listens, she understands, she loves more than anyone you will ever know. Since theres only one true meagan, finding her is hard so look to where to you see the sun since she is the brighest warmest hearted person. Meagan :) some one that cant be defined, but when you see her youll know its.. Meagan.
Michael : Who is that ?
Kevin : Meagan , the one , the only , True Meagan.
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a term used in defining hoood, dopefresh and/or gangstuh
get like that girl meagan; shes soo hoood!
by this is an actual defition January 18, 2008
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Annoying yet positive, loves anime, bullied yet loves everyone, has so much love to give, but girl...she crazy. Interesting in everyone....
Girl 1: Dang i wish meagan didn't watch anime, we'd be such good friends.

Girl 2: i know right but shes really cool
by QuperDog January 22, 2018
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Meagan is a strong, young and independant woman. She goes to college for something artsy. She has powerfully blue eyes and always knows how to make you smile. She puts everyone she knows before her. She loves video games and is learning to play guitar. she doesn't think she is attractive and she loves the word gnarly. She knows who she is and is confident in that. She is the most amazing girl.
Beautiful Yummy Sexy Smart Meagan megan
by COD1990 December 2, 2010
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Meagan is the perfect balance of everything you could ever want in a girl. She is unique but also the ideal and perfect girl. She is extremely loyal and reserved even though she is so attractive. She is always so beautiful with her brown eyes and her smile that makes you want to keep her smiling forever but also possibly the best part about her is personality. She is loving, caring, thoughtful, positive, fun, accepting, sweet, honest, supportive, and has the most amazing personality. Though she is shy, she can make laugh and make your whole day whenever she talks to you. Even though she can relate to a guy, she has a girly side that is so lovable and adorable. She has a laid back personality but is also up for trying new things. No matter what happens in her life, she is kind to everyone around her. She is the kind of girl any guy would want and a blessing to anyone who has her in their lives.
Meagan is my true love!
by cZBrandon September 20, 2014
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