Marc D’Amelio Day is a day we celebrate the existence of the most amazing man alive, Marc D’Amelio. The day takes place each year on November 11th which also happens to be every single Dylan in the worlds birthday as well.
Person1- do you know what day it is today??
Person2- of course I do!! It’s Marc D’Amelio Day!!!
Person1-oh yeah!! How could I ever forget, isn’t it also Dylan’s birthday??
Person2- it is!
by Frogfeet June 28, 2021
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November 11th is National Marc D’Amelio day as well as every single Dylan in the worlds birthday
“What day is it dude??”
“Didn’t you hear it’s National Marc D’Amelio Day!!”
“Oh yeah I totally forgot isn’t it also Dylan’s birthday??”
Yeah it is, that’s true make sure to say happy birthday to all of them”
by Frogfeet June 13, 2021
Get the National Marc D’Amelio Day mug.