Used when someone is being a mama's boy. Particularly used with males. Taken from the movie, The Waterboy. Muttered when someone is being too attached to their parents.
He said he can't go because his mom said so?

-mutter- M-m-mama said...
by Paeino June 10, 2008
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It is in insult, if his/her mom did in fact, say that sit too last night. Pretend your friend says something sexual (See example below). You have an instant comeback!
Created by the al-mighty Squirrel, this insult has spread to a whole 2 people! Amazing!

Person 1: Hey man its cold out here
Squirrel: Your mama said that shit too last night, but you didn't see either of us compaining!
Person 1: I'm worthless!!!

(In fact, the lights were off and he wasnt home... so he couldnt see us if he wanted to!)
by Squirrelish87 December 11, 2005
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