A term used to indicate the many children players using a microphone, due to the droning and opprobrious way they sound; on any online game, specifically Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Magangies often spew out obnoxious rants of just about anything including; but not limited to:

1. Losing; i.e. getting killed, shot, "noob-tubed," or being defeated in any form.
2. Other players; Magangies tend to slander, defame, discredit, etc. any player that tells them anything not in their favor, i.e. "shut up," "be quiet," "you suck," or any other fruitful remark.

3. Pop culture; Magangies can usually spark conversation amongst the idle chat-room by bringing up an equally obnoxious form of popular culture, whether it be song, youtube video, recent cartoon show, or recently released or up-coming video games. A Magangy favorite is the Ke$ha song "Tik Tok"
4. Hatred; Magangies, although children, tend to have quite colorful and often racist remarks about anyone or anything that propagates postulate number one. (see #1)

Although Magangies are difficult to play and get along with, we all must try to just accept them into our daily struggle and game play. Until the day that administrators enforce the recommended age of play listed on the game, there will never be an improvement or change.
1. XzKiLleR_GuYzX has joined the room; "Hey guys, get ready to die because I'm not a noob! maganga ganga ganga mangy gangy mangaganga mangayaynga mangaygygn."

2. SuPerAwesoMeSnipeRdDuDe: "Magangaganga gangaganga AWWW WHAT THE HELLFUCKS I SHOT YOUR ASSCRAP YOU DONKEY GUY!!!manganganugaanaga anaga mangyy managa"

3. -Assoteric: "I do say, have you ever noticed that every child playing on Xbox Live sounds exactly the same?!?"

-DariusFortune: "Quite right sir! I have noticed that! They also only say variations of "Magangy," between every vulgar and profane remark!"
by Assotericism November 12, 2010
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