a "Sexuality" for pedos that are attracted to minors that isn't and never will be accepted in the LGBTQ+ community
and no i don't support this shit
Person 1: Do you support mapsexual?

Person 2: Fuck no i'm not a pedo
by StarCloud February 3, 2021
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MAP = Minor-Attracted Persons
Mapsexual = Pedophile
A: Are you mapsexual?
B: Fuck off I’m not a pedo
by jruam2 January 6, 2022
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1: A pedo
2: A pedophile
3: Will never be accepted into LGBTQ+ EVER
1: What is mapsexual?
2: Oh it means a pedo
1: ewww!
by ObviouslyScorpio January 18, 2022
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The sexuality used for sexual attraction of minors. This is often referred to as Pedophilia and is NOT valid or.. legal
Minor: I love life!
Person: let me touch you
Minor: dear god its a mapsexual
by AidenAnimates June 2, 2022
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Someone who is sexually attracted to maps. Often found Deviantart, AlternateHistory.com and R/Mapporn
Dude, you look at maps waaay to much

I just love the land masses man, the full rivers, the curvy borders, ahh....

That confirms it, he's a Mapsexual.
by XxPranksxX34 April 25, 2017
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To put it in summary: they're people with mental sickness.
Person 1: "Dude, heard of those mapsexuals?"
Person 2: "Yeah, they're fucking disgusting."
Person 1: "I highly agree."
by TheRandomGuyOnline December 28, 2022
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Pedophiles who're tryna fit in, they cannot and can never fit in with the LGBTQ community, essentially, people with mental sickness.
Person 1: "Dude, heard of those mapsexuals?"
Person 2: "Yeah, they're fucking disgusting."
Person 1: "I highly agree."
by TheRandomGuyOnline December 28, 2022
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