Originally "myk" from old Swedish, this work became "mocka" which means to shuffle animal shit.

"Mök", a word for stench also comes from"myk".

The word mökad is a verb that generally means that you are being dominated or are loosing heavily.

One example is if you get ankle checked in football or you fall after a hard tackle.

Can be used as "mökad" -> talking about yourself or "möka" -> talking about someone else
Mostly used in a smaller regional range around the Swedish lowlands in Västragötaland
Comparable to "he shat on me/i'm getting shitted on" while being dominated in videogames, sports ect.
Example 1:

Player 1: Bror, hur går det?
Player 2: Mannen jag blir mökad så fort jag spawnar!

Example 2:
Player 1: Mannen han drippla sönder dig.
Player 2: Jag vet!
Player 1: Bror han möka dig totalt.
by YoshugTheOne September 24, 2023
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