A Loyd's Tire is a type of practical joke as well as a right of passage for teenage boys. A piece of cardboard is duct-taped to a car tire which then makes a fwop-fwop noise like a flat tire. The story goes that a guy named Loyd who lived in Kansas taught his two sons this when they turned 13, Loyd then instructed them to spread it to two of their friends when they turned 13. The only rules about Loyds Tire is that you must be 13 to know, you must NEVER do it to a parent (a rule made by Loyd himself), and you must spread the knowledge to two people. Since then the Loyd's Tire has spread to all corners
"Dude, Charlie's uncle thought he had a flat tire but it turned out Charlie had just turned 13 and learned about Loyd's Tire."
by da bous July 1, 2012
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