A field of study that has its roots in the ancient discipline of acquiring skills that make one extremely awesome and incomparable to others.

Students of Lorenry typically gain expertise in the areas of being good-looking and funny to the point of cracking yo ass up. They also become adept at handiwork (especially tearing things apart and putting them back together), hanging drywall, and plowing roads. The highest levels of achievement in Lorenry are reserved to those students who excel in graphic design while singing ol' school country songs and macdaddyin' the ladies.

When all levels of Lorenry are achieved, the student can go beas mode hyphy just about anywhere at anytime.
I'ma school that boy in Lorenry until he is so skilled in bein good lookin and handy that he's the blingiest of the bling--A drywall hangin, road-plowin, country-singin dope ass dude--The hyphyiest you ever seen.
by skittlybittly April 22, 2010
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