A very meaningless and small animal( like juergen, who is the pet of rudi b.)Don´t forget: It ain´t right to give an E to an animal.
by Dominik Drack June 22, 2004
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A person who likes voting and advocating for progressive policies, but doesn't like living in the shitty societies those policies create.

Typically the are white, middle class, have a stable family and career, and prefer living around other white or asian people. So basically they are a republican except they vote left and consume progressive media. They like to flee leftist cities and then ruin the nice small republican towns they move to by making them more progressive. They they move to another town... Like locusts.
What do you think about the new family that moved here from Portland?

They are fucking locust Democrats.
by MrTibbsinHaul November 17, 2020
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A "friend" who comes into your house like a whirlwind, asks if he can have a beer, eats your leftover pizza, plays your Xbox, does all your drugs, leaves tons of trash behind, and then complains when the above activities are not available.
6:47pm - Banging on front door

Travis: Hey dudes, whats up. Aw sweet you got Blue Moon, let me get one. Oh, and can I warm up this pizza? I got next game in Halo dude. Let me hit that joint in the mean time. You guys suck, you don't have any munchies. Does anyone have any pills? Oh well, catch you guys later.

6:54pm - Door slams

Kenny: Geesh that kid is like a swarm of locust.
by BA2theMAX February 8, 2008
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A small town south of Atlanta that has become notorious for its relentless gang bangers.
My homeboy got knocked the fuck out in Locust Grove
by RichieLT February 6, 2011
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United States: People who are either registered as Democrats or espouse liberal and leftist values (i.e. thinking gun control is going to stop mass shootings, higher taxes, defunding the police, supporting riots, supporting sanctuary cities and giving financial assistance to illegal immigrants, wasteful government spending, etc.). These people tend to no longer like the state they live in (or the region of the state they live in) either because of the results after they made disastrous liberal votes and elected terrible liberal politicians that have ruined the area in which they live or because they have caused others to leave the area because of the demands they have made on either the cities or the state in which they live leaving it a shell of its former self (See San Francisco, Seattle, Detroit, Baltimore, etc.) Upon realizing this uninhabitable living situation, they then fly off to other states or regions to only repeat their disastrous liberal voting and implementation of leftist policies that destroyed the places from whence they came.
Texan seeing a new neighbor: "How y'all doing? I see you just moved in across the street. Where y'all from? Maybe I can show you around and we can go to the local range to fire off a few rounds."
New neighbor: "Nice to meet you. We're from California. Thanks but no thanks on the offer to go "shooting", we don't believe people should be walking around with guns; citizens don't need guns which lead to mass shootings - that's why we have police!"
Texan: You Liberal Locusts make me fucking sick. Kindly leave Texas and go back to California!
by BerkBiggler September 11, 2020
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"Liquor Locust" is that rare breed of party animal that descends on unsuspecting (and sometimes suspecting) households, invades the liquor cabinet, drains it bone dry and then flitters off in search of the next liquor cabinet to be drained.
When I got home I realized that the liquor locusts must have had a party, because there was no alcohol left in the house.
by Woody00469 August 24, 2007
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To eat the locust is to go to the toilet it can be used for pee or poo but is mostly used for poo
Scott accidentally ate the locust in class today. He couldn’t eat the locust in time
by Despairingly- Hopefull June 22, 2018
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