To approach the annual Mammoth Mountain Motocross with the same training vigor as Christians do for their yearly tradition of "Lent" -- to show achievement through the sacrifice of a personal vice.

Lent is considered by many plebeians as a month where your goody good friend will give up things such as chocolate, or soda, for a religious cause. Kinda like Ghandi did way back when.

Held in Mammoth Lakes, CA every year, the Mammoth Motocross is considered one of the toughest, drunkest, funnest times on a dirt bike. Only professionals need apply. Elevation is one of the reasons why its so tough, riding moto @7,000ft is no small "feet."
"Dude, my buddy gave up fried foods for Lent. I called him a pussy and said I was giving up weed for Lentmmoth."

"Anyone want to join Lentmmoth with me? I quit drinking weeknights and when I am asleep."
by Doug Perry April 30, 2007
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