A word that originates from the abbrevation "lol". The vowel in "lol" is and has often replaced with other arbitrary vowels just for the sake of it, creating 'abbrevations' such as; lal, lul, and in this case "lel".

A common expression would also be: "lol'd", meaning laughed out loud, rather than just laughing out loud. This mostly refers to something someone just said or did.

As "lol" became "lel", the, for most people, curious word "lel'd" also emerged, simply having the same meaning as "lol'd" or in other cases meaning nothing at all. It could be written just for the sake of it.

Additionally, "lol'd IRL" is also something commonly written on the internet to inform fellow chatters that they actually laughed out loud (IRL = In Real Life) and didn't just type "lol'd" because they thought something was funny, as many people tend to. Hence, the expression "lel'd IRL" has also become a popular saying amongst users of the word "lel'd".
- I just shat my pantaloons, I did!
- Lel'd.

- I cannot fully interpret the meaning of this task.
- Lel'd IRL.
by Bumthex October 8, 2012
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