To fail so badly that your fuck up is now a standard for fuck ups around the world
Tim: OMFG i just blew up my car with a bottle rocket, which destroyed the gas station near my house! Now the cops are after me! Oh shit what should i dooo???

Sarcasticmaster: LEGENDARY FAIL
by HachiVII July 3, 2007
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A fail so bad that surpasses master fail. If you have done a Ultimate legendary fail, you are probably dead, Or you need to be since someone with this kind of failure is a shame to all mankind and the universe.
Person 1: HAHA I can own you in any game

1.5 seconds later

Person 2: Ultimate Legendary Fail I beated u 999-0

Person 1: *commits suicide*
by LOLOLOL xD LOL April 14, 2010
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(1)The step between epic fail and meta fail.
(2)A fail that will almoste certenly reduce you to the mocking and ritacule of your pears.
when a waiter drops his whole serving try on a mentally handicapped person, fruit cake, meth addicts, and all things telly tubby related.

person 1: shoots himself in the foot while reloading his gun

person 2: " Epic legendary fail "
by St.jimmy1693 February 5, 2009
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