When a repressed film director fills his video game(s) with more cutscenes than gameplay.
Gamer #1: "This game, MGS2, has more cutscenes than gameplay."

Gamer #2: "This is 'A Hideo Kojima Game', which entails you're more in for an interactive movie rather than a stright up video game, so put that controller down for 8 hours, this is the bit with the Peter Stillman saga."

Gamer #1: "He should have called himself Video Kojima."
by Camp Clarke February 7, 2011
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A term commonly used when something is taking too long to get it's point across.
''Wrap it up Kojima''
by Maldalorian January 8, 2020
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1)Any man of Asian appearance. Also any thing connected with Asia or the Far East.
2)genius (not every genius = Kojima, but every Kojima = genius)
Kojima invented gunpowder.
North Kojima fights with the southern.
Kojima on the verge of overpopulation. Each family is allowed to give birth to no more than one Kojima.
Kojima, despite the ban, is developing nuclear weapons.
by Kojima(genious) July 17, 2018
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