After eating a hefty plate of baby back ribs, one partner assumes an upside-down, cross-legged position on an elevated surface while the other runs circles around the first. Both partners expel their barbecue-fueled farts, resulting in a swirling vortex of methane.

To ensure proper execution, the upside-down partner must unleash a cry of "Howdy do!" in a long drawn-out fashion, spurring the partner in motion to increase their revolution speed, thus resulting in a very powerful, odorous whirlwind.
Partner 1: Have you thought about that thing I asked you earlier?

Partner 2: Oh right, the Kentucky Whirlwind? Yeah totally, I'll give it a shot.

Partner 1: Okay, did you defrost the ribs like I asked?

Partner 2: What ribs?

Partner 1: I want a divorce, Susan.
by Yung Fetus March 22, 2019
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When someone swirls their tongue around the head of a cock as fast as possible.
Man last night she gave me the good old Kentucky whirlwind and it blew my mind!
by Shuttereye February 22, 2022
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