Juanita high-school is a dogshit high-school located in Kirkland Washington

As soon as you arrive to the building you won't know where to go because the front doors are locked. The doors to the cafeteria are also locked but you have to enter there so if no one holds the door for you your fucked.

Juanita high-school also hosts the Cambridge program. This is a group of goofy ahhh teens who think their better than you because they are love the pain of 16 hours of homework each night and they love taking 6 tests a week. They will not hesitate to absolutely mindfuck you with the amount of homework they have and they will make sure to tell you that you pathetic AP classes are easy. This specimen of children also have 0 social skills, 0 bitches, and 0 gains but they think they have all of these so they'll tell you all about Sally, their anime girl body pillow and how they can bench 85.

Juanita high-school also hosts 3 new associate principles this year. Daddy Ryan, who stands there like an npc the entire day, soon you'll start to think his one of those random ass medal polls in the hallway because he never moves. Next we have white Andrew tate, this is the scariest associate principl as he roams the halls, lurking around every corner waiting to collect you. Luckily you can see his gleaming bald head from a mile away. The third one no one knows who he is and we haven't seen him for over a month, he probably got captured by white Andrew tate and is now part of his collection.
I couldn't get into Juanita high-school today because the front door was locked

I met a goofy ahhh Cambridge kid at Juanita high-school today
by SkippyPB6969 October 28, 2022
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