A crossbreed between a jew and a homosexual, both of which many hate.

"The Jewmosexual teabagged Chuck Norris."

Kid-"Mommy, that penny pinching man with the purse scares me."
Mother-"Dont be startled, when you're older they'll be all over"
Kid-"But mommy, what are they?"
Mother-"Son, I wanted to wait 'til you were older but...they're crossbred homos jews."
by Jesus666777 November 4, 2007
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A crossbreed between a jew and a homosexual, both of which many hate.

The Jewmosexual teabagged Chuck Norris.

Kid-"Mommy, that penny pinching man with the purse scares me."
Mother-"Dont be startled, when you're older they'll be all over."
Kid-"But mommy, what are they?"
Mother-"Son, I wanted to wait 'til you were older but...they're crossbred homo jews."
by Jesus666777 November 4, 2007
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