Noun, the feeling you get when you don't know that there's an Indian person around and you just feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up
I was at work the other day and I got the habeebie jeebies before I saw bitch face come around the corner. I should have known by the trail of coupons I saw on the ground
by Audiblemobile January 7, 2010
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An audible shuddering of the voice elicited when frightened or surprised. First the shoulders and head shake and then a certain sound is involuntarily elicited. This condition can be heredetary as in "the hee bee gee bee gene"."
by Robin November 16, 2003
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/ɛˈfi bə(ʊ) 'dʒi bɪz/ (eff-FEE-boh-GEE-bees)

noun (informal)

From the Greek “ephebophile”, meaning sexual predator;
and the Modern English “heebie jeebies”, meaning creeped out.

1. That audible shudder one gets when someone too old creeps onto someone too young for them, "To Catch a Predator" style.

2. A feeling of minor fright, anxiety, nervousness, apprehension, or "the willies", arising from an encounter with an "ephebophile".
30 year old man: "Whoa, those high school girls sure look old enough to date me. I would sure love to take them boot shopping."

Me: "...I have such a gargantuan case of the ephebo-jeebies right now."

My friends: "Inorite."

*group shudder*
by Bromofosho May 16, 2014
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The horrible feeling you get in the pit of your stomach after you've paid for an item you won on eBay that still hasn't arrived more than three weeks later.
That fricken kumquat peeler I bought on eBay hasn't come in the mail yet and it's been nearly a month! I've got a major case of the eBay jeebies.
by kiwi_david January 11, 2011
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aboo jeebi; the correct response to cheep chop. generally used in bars or in public places to attact unwanted attention to the party you're with in hopes that you embarrass them to the point that they will never hang out with you again.
guy 1 "abooooooooooooo jeeeeebi!!!!!!

girl 1 "you're so embarrasing to hang out with''

guy 1" i don't give a fuck, i'll aboo jeebi all fuckin day bitch."
by camel moose July 1, 2010
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When a weeaboo gives you the heebie jeebies.
Bruh stop saying 'desu' at the end of your sentence. It's giving everyone the weebie jeebies
by thates March 3, 2019
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of Irish origin
Feelings of overwhelming and often irrational anxiety, dread or guilt the morning after drinking a large quantity of hard liquer, esp. Gin.
Person: "F*****ck... what did I do last night?! All my friends must hate me and think I'm such a pikey because I'm always stealing their cigarettes/borrowing money so I can drink more Gin"
Friend: "Don't worry no one cares, we're all friends, you've just got the heebie jeebies"
by pixies89 March 25, 2006
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