A beautiful girl who loves a lot of things and is always changing her style everyday. She has many admirers but doesn't know it because nobody knows how to pronounce her name right. If you have this name you also hold many talents you might not even notice, because your too busy cheering on the people around you.
Person 1 : Wow, that girl in our class is pretty! What's her name??
Person 2 : I think its July or jla?? I dunno, but she sure is a jaala!
by Anonymous puppy child November 14, 2016
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probably one of the greatest people you will ever meet. incredibly sexy, gives great gobbies and never fails to satisfy a man's needs. often very mysterious but her moans are no mystery when you fuck her brains out in the bedroom. if you meet a jaala, worship her.
Friend 1: "so you didnt go home with her?"
Friend 2: "nah"
Friend 1: "what the fuck man?! that girl is a total jaala!"
by 2868bitchez March 4, 2012
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