The act of winning a 4-life Super Smash Bros. match without losing any lives or taking any damage; a superior variation of the 4-stock, in which no lives are lost but damage is taken.
James: Man, this guy crushed me in Smash!
Luke: Yeah, he didn't just 4-stock you, he JV 5-stocked you!
by CoopSoup March 30, 2021
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A JV Stock comes from Super Smash Bros. If the game ends and you are at 0%, it will be a JV(number of stocks you have plus 1) Stock. It is used often by people who play the game.
Remember, a JV Stock is what occurs when you are at 0% at the end of a game.

"I lost a stock, but at least I got the JV."

"JV4'd your ass!"

"At least I got the JV."

"That was a JV4 because I had 3 stocks and took no damage."

"Will they get the JV?"
by Le0ne January 29, 2022
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