Snooker terminology.

Relating to the jaws of the pockets.

A shot which goes in but not cleanly.
A couple of those shots in that break were jaw-ish.
by Origins of words December 16, 2018
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Verb: The uncontrollable shaking/chattering of your jaw caused by arousal of the tastebuds.
-Mmmmmm!... Your homemade apple pie gives me the JOLLY JAWS!
by PudgeBucket December 5, 2018
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When a lady has voluptuous boobs that jiggle when she moves.
“She’s boring as hell but Cara’s jig jaw’s jiggaligged
by Yeehawmeemaw November 8, 2021
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When your std's got your face popping
My mate Vernon got Satan's Jaw last week, what a dickhead
by MILFord Keynes March 13, 2022
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The mouth, usually in reference to fellatio.
Ay, girl, lemme get some o'dat jaw jiggity.
by StarCaptain November 24, 2008
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during sex, when Los leaves bite-marks all over her neck so she can show her (boy)friend(s) later
I gave that friggin brawd a jaw necklace
by Los Yanquis June 27, 2011
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