An ethnic group that originated from the island of Ireland. Historically, they were proficient tradesmen, artisans, and founders of the Gaelic language. They were some of the fiercest fighters in Europe, and were grouped in familial tribes under a democratically elected King or Queen. The Romans refused to fight them, but the English decided they were up to the task. After a small time period of only 400 years, they finally conquered Ireland. By the mid-late 1800's it became safe enough for an Englishman to travel to all parts of Ireland. Since they now had complete and total control, the English decided to, as usual, abuse their subjects. The Irish were treated as second-class citizens, sold as slaves overseas, and made to pay harsh taxes. In the early 1900's the Irish fought back, and the southern portion of Ireland regained freedom. The northern part did not. To this day there is hope that Ireland will once again be reunited as a whole country once again. With the advent of Brexit, these dreams will likely be realized within the next 30 years.

The children of Ireland can be found across the globe, and can be recognized from their high cheekbones, mid-depth eye-sockets, downward slanted eye-sockets, pointed eyebrows, pale white skin, thin lips, broad shoulders, strong chins, and mostly clan based surnames. ie Kelly, O'Donnell, ect.
"They're the Irish."
by Liberal Lady Ann November 8, 2016
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1. The most gorgeous accent ever
2. Some of the nicest guys i've ever met
3. Have fukin strong livers!
4. Pro golfers....well all the ones i met
I bloody love my irish
i cant wait to go out with the irish's again
Fergal is one fit irish
by Mir March 18, 2005
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Good, decent people from small country in western Europe. Have own language- hÉireann go bra(Ireland forever), have own type of moonshine- poitín, have own types of sport(Gaelic football and hurling), many are farmers, despise travelers, chavs, strong cheeses and the English. Fond of chips, tractors, the french, good whiskey on a Saturday night or after mass on a Sunday, usually quite religious, looked down upon by the English for bullshit long standing racial reasons and in general very kind, welcoming and generous people often involved in bilateral and multilateral aid along with peacekeeping and charitable organisations.
"you'll never beat the Irish!"
"Tiochfaidh ar lá"
"Feckin knackers"
by nopinkcreations October 4, 2015
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coolest motherfuckers around. at least better than you. WERE NOT ALL FUCKING ALCHOLICS. get that through your thick skull. contrary to popular belief, we dont all eat potatoes every meal of the day.
by catherine February 12, 2005
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kickass people who dont smell like potatoes, or drink whiskey all the time. better than the french. racist? maybe.
by catherine February 12, 2005
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The most badass people ever born. Great sense of humor, drinks but is not a drunk, but most arent light wieghts when it comes to drinking they must drink more than other people. lucky very lucky. Most are fun to hang out with, can also hold thier own in a fight. Smooth talkers.
my girl friend is irish im irish even most of my friends are irish and i have never had so much luck.....
by irishvirus January 15, 2006
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The state of being decended from the greatest people to ever grace this earth. Ethnic pride (well Deserved) by an irish man/woman. Im not white im irish ask an indian.
The irishism led to the severe but justified beating of a crooked toothed bugg eyed ignorant little english prick.
by Ryley Grady October 4, 2006
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