A joyous occasion bringing all peoples together in the relatively holiday-less month of August, celebrated on the 222nd day of the year, August 10th. Originally "Día del Primer Grito de Independencia de Quito," Quito (Ecuador) Independence day, the tradition of celebration has translated to all walks of life via the magic of the internet. Because most people can't be bothered to say "Día del Primer Grito de Independencia de Quito," the term "international awesome day" was adopted instead.
I had an awesome International Awesome Day, there was fireworks and cake!
by Rephlexes August 13, 2010
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International Awesomeness Day is celebrated on June 7. So if you were born on this day, you are officially awesome. To all those people who thought they could get away with being born on June 6, BYE FELISHA 🙃
It's my birthday today
Me: oh it's International Awesomeness Day. You're awesome
I know 👏
by Imsocool #lololol October 18, 2019
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