An 'Intellitard' is one who has a stunning intelligence level, but a lack of judgment to use it. This person usually has waves of high intelligence, followed by lows of supposed retardation, in a sense that is totally unexpected to concerned parties.
My genius son occasionally lacks common sense. He is an intellitard!
by Cesti the besti May 16, 2013
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A mentally handicapped person who can perform common tasks (flushing a toilet), but fails to execute semi-complex tasks (counting change, multitasking).
For some reason, the manager always puts Jimmy on the cash register, even though he can never count the change back to the customers. You would think he would realize he's an intellitard and limit him to filling the condiment station...
by magicmonkeymeat July 11, 2008
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a person who graduates from or is participating in intellitec college.
Person 1: so how is college going?
Person 2: it's okay, but im surrounded by intellitards.
Person 1: Well what did you expect you would get from going to intellitec?
by roflmaopims October 18, 2009
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A medical condition, or syndrome comprised of the triad of extremely high IQ, inversely proportional level of common sense, and social/emotional developmental delay.

Most commonly seen in University inbreds (those who attend a University for college, graduate school, and eventually join the faculty, becoming tenured, staying at the University until found dead sitting behind their office desks, or until an untimely demise in a horrific research laboratory accident.) University inbreeding can continue through multiple generations of Intellitards, ultimately producing the Dr. Intellitard Children's Research Hospital of (insert University here).
Dr. Harvard lives in his mother's basement, enjoys gaming, and not dating. He suffers from Intellitardation.
by MonG71 August 5, 2010
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