Right so, an indie kid is someone who listens to..indie music O.o individual sounding, thus the "indie". Like Mindless Self Indulgence. Oh they cry too apparently... and how would they know?

Indie kids are actually generally happy becuase most indie music is happy too. Makes sense doesn't it? You CAN listen to indie and emo and not be indie or emo you idiots. I listen to indie and emo, and I'm not indie or emo. I don't cry much, I'm not depressed and I don't moan about how my life is so confusing.

So that's your idea out the fucking window.

If people are too sad they're emo. If they're too happy they're indie. If they're inbetween they're just boring.

For God's sake just grow up. People ae who they are. That's it.
Is nothing good enough for you stupid stereotypers?
by Tezeth May 20, 2005
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Contrary to many persons beliefs Indie kids are not mean, rude or sharp-ly sarcastic. Some people believe that they are a branch of 'Emo' and they are not.

Indie Kids usually are around 13 to 19, they like to dress differently and are very opinionated. They are quite calm and are usually hated and loved by members of the public.

Indie kids tend to pity Chavs and scenes, who think they rae so cool and different, when they are not.

Indie Kids Like to stay away from places that are heavily populated. You will see them more commonly in Parks or little Hole-in-the-wall cafes.

Indie Kids honestly do not care what people think. They rae the types to laugh when people are mean to them.

You cannot put your finger on Indie Kids style because unlike the typical Emo or scene, they do not conform to their own standards.

Indie Kids are not confrontational, and usually don't hang out in large packs. They are not loud and are sometimes interested in Things like The Mighty Boosh, The Flight of The Conchords, Oscar Wilde, Asian Candy, Messy Rooms, iPod classics, Banksy, N64, Catcher in the rye, Alice In Wonderland, Big Star, Astronomy, Photography and finding young bands before they make It big, but they don't boast about It, they just smile to themselves.
Scene Kid: I just saw my favourite band play live and I got a picture with them! I will, like, so put this on MySpace! Maybe everyone will think I actually kissed him!

Indie Kid: I just saw my favourite band Play live, lucky me, I will try talk to them backstage.
by Completely anonymous thanks December 23, 2011
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What happens when a hippie and an emo have a baby.
Maia, our resident indie kid, is that lovely mixture of "i hate the world" and "i hate your businesses" too.
by cheesewoot September 26, 2009
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Imogen Kotsoglo.
"omg, it's imogen kotsoglo, the definition of indie"
"agreed, what an indie kid!"
by ;) hehe August 26, 2008
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I'm not completly sure what an indie kid is, but, they, if they are anything like me, and i don't consider myself indie in the slightest, but if they didn't care about how they appear to other people, they probably wouldn't write about it on urban dictionary.com. I thought they were shy? And probably wouldn't want to be written about.
Indie Kid: I hate being classed as indie.
by No one you know. Why ask? December 14, 2007
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Someone who styles himself with his own choice of clothes without big labels like ambacrombiklrjfas and bitch, wears there hair like they dont care much. Does a lot of art different styles and listens to a lot of indie bands like the white stripes, the gorillaz, the hives, the vines, and so and on and so forth. They are also interested in a lot of random things like Philosophy and Cooking and The da Vinci code for no damn reason.
"Check out that awsome indie kid with the Cool peopl lable glued onto their hat."
by Jack July 28, 2004
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basically indie kids are a breed of teenagers that are in love with themselves and hate anyone who isn't 'indie' they prefer to call anyone outside of their social group 'chavs' and look down on them although they were chavs a few months ago. indie kids are practically chavs in denial and therefore become infuriated if anyone suggests they were prior to their re-birth as an indie kid, a chav. moshers, emos and scene kids are far more faithful to their stereotype even though they are hugely hated on.
Kid with nike trainers on: hey jenni
Indie Kid: ew. chav.
Kid with nike trainers on: we were best friends?
Indie Kid: that was before i was indie, duh! have you gone insane in the membrane? daaaaaah!
by jxneGorex September 21, 2010
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