A crazy person in the world of oline gaming. Has an english accent and lights things on fire alot.
Aww man, I just got burned by a Honeydew
by meeguy March 30, 2011
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The female breast, particular a large and well-formed titty; so-called due its resemblance to a honeydew melon.
Check out the honeydews! That bitch must be sportin' a brace o' 44s!
by Tummy AuGratin February 24, 2006
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Honey do this, Honey do that.
Honey, yes dear. Can you put the garbage out. yes dear.
by Richie Stub May 28, 2003
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GIRL 1: He's such a honeydew!
GIRL 2: Honeydew?
GIRL 1: He's so damn vute and sweet. So honeydewy!
by Maiden Melancholia July 6, 2006
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GIRL 1: He's such a honeydew!
GIRL 2: Honeydew?
GIRL 1: He's so damn vute and sweet. So honeydewy!
by Maiden Melancholia July 7, 2006
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Late 19th century slang for the muck, or raw sewage, in a cesspool. Late Victorian euphemism.
It's time to empty the cesspool, the honeydew is nearing the top.
by Fasciseus April 1, 2019
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A sex act. When one places a bee inside a woman's vagina or anus. It can also be done inside a man's anus. They then proceed to place honey all over there penis and place it inside the vagina or anus and try to take the bee out before the bee dies.
I gave Suzie the sweetest Honeydew Temptation last night. Honey everywhere.
by KCCI October 18, 2013
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