1. horrendously ridiculous or absurd
Why did you take away my spatula? You are homunculus.

also seen in the following forms:
a. homunculation: noun = the act of being absurd
b. humunculatingly: adverb = Paul proceded homunculatingly.
c. homunculatiously: emphatic adjective (used in situations of extreme homuncularity)= He used the homunculatiously large machete to scale the fish.
d. homunculus: noun = You are a homunculus.
e. homunculate: verb: to act in a matter that is homunculus = Stop homunculating.
f. homunculatory = misunderstood, though necessary, conjugation of term
by Darcy Forlenza March 22, 2004
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A distorted human figure representing the disproportionate sensory-motor centers for the human body, most of which is dedicated to the hands, lips and mouth, and feet.
i have SO much feeling in my hands!
by Cortical Homunculus May 14, 2004
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The hormone homunculus is a mythical being that is what makes people make or female and does not allow change, it ensures hormone level are the same for a person's entire life
The hormone homunculus is a myth, hormones change and so sex changes.
by Arithrianos May 27, 2022
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A blob of gloop made by trying to make a cure for the malaise.
That homunculus soup you made is pretty good!
by Mixels April 26, 2023
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Scandalous Homunculus is a very small person that loves to take part in sinful acts which have been forbidden by God all mighty.
Person 1: Look Sebastian is taking part in Masturbastion.
Person 2: He is a Scandalous Homunculus.
Person 1: Indeed.
by lelandersingh November 22, 2022
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