the worst thing you will ever experience. you don't want to go there. have your parents take you out. girls learn about boys. boys learn about girls. and other things.
by health class November 8, 2019
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A room where horny teenagers eagerly look at the reproductive system posters on the walls
High school guy: "Dude, I can't wait to check out those STD slideshows in my high school health class, but only for the girl parts. I'm not gay or anything."
by Faggottyswaggot September 22, 2014
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Don't have sex or you'll die
Don't drink or you'll die
The menstrual cycle is when a female is at her bitchiest
STDs are gifts that just keep on giving
Pregnancy occurs when a boy and a girl have sex
Puberty is just a 6-10 year long nuisance, where boys grow pubes on random parts of their bodies, and where girls "sprout" boobs and get their periods.

Menopause is when a woman transforms into something beyond my reach.
by ImAFreshmanBabby January 8, 2011
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health without the th but like you pronounce it like hello without the o

by yourfavoritehoe:) March 4, 2022
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