A very talented impressionist and underrated film and television actor. Has appeared in almost every popular comedy movie of the last five years. Currently performs on Saturday Night Live. In addition to being a funny man, he is also a genuinely sweet and good-natured person.

Impressions and characters from SNL and required viewing include: Al Pacino, Alan Alda, Julian Assange, James Mason, Seth Rogen, Vinny Vedici, Nitro from Laser Cats, Crazy Carl from The Meeting, and Stefon from Weekend Update.

Films include Superbad, Adventureland, Tropic Thunder, Night at the Museum 2, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Hot Rod, Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs, Pineapple Express and Paul.
Girl: Hey man, I've noticed there's this one guy who pops up in all my favourite comedies of recent years.

Boy: Sounds like Bill Hader. Was he in a minor role but still managed to be incredibly funny?
Girl: Yeah!
Boy: Check him out on SNL, he's got a great Pacino impression.
by Maebe3 February 26, 2011
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