Why God invented mallets.
(To smash)
Person1:"Woah.Green Day got shit.And ugly"
Person2:"That's Good Charlotte"
Person3:"There's a differrence?"
by Youshouldhearmeplaypiano June 23, 2006
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yet another band that is beloved by teenage girls who don't know patti smith from avril lavigne and hated by people who know what good music sounds like and understand that staying past your bedtime, wearing makeup, and looking "different" does not cover up you being a no-talent and poser
good charlotte has been built up by mtv and trl, but will hopefully be brought down by johnny rotten, iggy pop, and any ramone who is still alive. that would be cool.
by clevelandsteamer96 October 4, 2005
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an inevitable reason to use god's name in vain
jesus f**king christ !!! apocalypse is coming!!! ... and good charlotte is here to make our lives more miserable ... what have you created my lord ???!???
by A. Aquino March 10, 2006
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Random person listening to their music: Wow... this Good Charlotte... They really suck.
by MangoPunchStand!!! January 20, 2006
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A really shitty sell out band that sounds like every other emo/punk band. To every one who is sticking up for Good Charlotte, you know damn well that no one would know who Good Charlotte is if it wasn't for MTV. It's not because they're good that everyone knows them, its because MTV SAYS they're good that everyone knows who they are.
I once saw two guys kissing in public and i thought that was the gayest thing ever, then i heard a Good Charlotte song
by notaslave May 14, 2006
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I am not a fan of Good Charlotte, I am just standing up for them. I don't like Good Charlotte's music but, there is absolutely no reason to bash them. People bash them for being "posers", which is invalid, Good Charlotte made the anthem as a suggestion for people to stop following trends. They weren't posing to anything. People accuse them for being posers, so other people will think that person is cool. This is a sad attempt for attention and it is called raising social status. This person isn't a fan of music. Because A TRUE FAN OF MUSIC would enjoy band and wouldn't judge bands by what someone else says. Bashing bands doesn't make you look like a badass with superior music knowledge, it makes you look like a dumbass fad follower. These people that bash bands are the true posers, not Good Charlotte.
Good Charlotte are a simple and lax band, when the wannabe vampires of My Chemical Romance get more respect than them.
by AliceInChainsRock July 13, 2006
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A band who got their first major hit from MTV. Consists of Joel Madden, Benji Madden, Billy Martin and Paul Thomas. Sing pop punk.
NOTE: should not any way be connected with avril lavingue. good charlotte are not posers unlike many think. they did sell out a bit when their second album hit big and alot of teenies joined the fan base but were never posers like avril.
by emma-rose August 6, 2005
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