If you have ever watched the cartoon show Xaolin Showdown or even Xaolin Chronicles you would know what this phrase means. It means "go". But only when starting a xaolin showdown. They are a showdown between 2 or more people fighting over magical items called shen gong wu. It's usually between an evil loser named Jack Spicer and 1 of 4 xaolin dragons. There might be a case in the show where it's not a xaolin dragon against Jack. Or there's someone/thing like Mola Mola Jong, an invincible shen gong wu monster, else involved in the showdown.
Omi (xaolin dragon): Jack Spicer, I challenge you to a xaolin showdown! My lotus twister against your third arm sash! The challenge is the first to get the mantis flip coin!

Jack: You're on Baldy!

Both: Xaolin Showdown!(Area Around Them Changes For The Challenge)

Both: Gong Yi Tempi!
by AcePunkBeaver October 24, 2014
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