One who is constantly performing gnarly/epic/radical actions for no purpose other than to enhance one's image.
That bro's so gnarcissistic he films himself base jumping off the thousand-foot cliff he just climbed.

Did you hear about that guy who climbed El Capitan without a rope, but had a camera crew 5 feet away from him the whole time? Totally gnarcissistic, dude.
by hungryhank March 17, 2012
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An extremely self-centered person who has an exaggerated sense of self-importance in relation to their abilities in extreme sports - especially skiing.
That fucking guy will not stop talking about his gnarly line. He's such a gnarcissist, and he thinks he's the best skier on the mountain. I'm soooooo much better than him...
by one 'f' Jeph May 19, 2018
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