A brand new email service by Google that offers 1GB of email storage. Gmail is currently in its early stages, but when it finally goes mainstream, its gonna blow Hotmail and Yahoo's mail services offline!
Who does a guy have to fuck around here in order to get a Gmail invite!?!
by Qbert August 2, 2004
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What everyone else said. However, now it's more of a "everyone has it but it's still in beta." Seriously, everyone has Gmail and they say it's still in beta .. my guess is that it'll never come out of beta. Now everyone has like 50 invitations.
"What's gmail?"
"Ef you."
by Mr. Ryan March 9, 2005
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A service from Google that is NOT a joke. In fact, yahoo! just increased their e-mail services to store 100 megs on each account just to compete.
I g-mailed an entire album to myself and still had 300 megs of space remaining.
by Dassh June 17, 2004
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Gmail is the best way to get spam
google fanboy: 0mg gmail iz teh xdddddd!!!!1!!!1!!1!11!111!1111
google fanboy: all the pointless emailz r xd'd into thhe zpam xd!!!!!!!!!!!!
Outlook user: That is true, if the only thing you value is newsletters in your inbox.
google fanboy: well you use powerpoint so i dont' trusst yuo loololololololl
Outlook user: well i have support for 50 gb of emails, and who needs to send an attachment of 20 mb or more?
google fanboy: what's junk email????
Outlook user: it's what you call spam
google fanboy: ok you are idiot
Outlook user: I believe that you are looking for yourself
google fanboy: your corerct
by dinnersneezer82824 December 30, 2022
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Gmail is a email Service offered by google. Its currently in its beta stage and is currently offerent about 2.5 Gigabytes (and is still slowly going up.) You must have an invitation from a Gmail user to sign up for Gmail.
I sent you an email with Gmail. (pronounced as G mail)
by GWsux October 21, 2005
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a free - invite only - web service enabling you to never have to delete an email again

romous of plans that gmail will soon upgrade to a 2gig storage space
in order to recive a gmail invite you must know a gmail user
by nom June 23, 2005
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