An amazing group of forward-thinking individuals who are passionate about changing the world. Usually Latino or Latino issue focused individuals; Always optimistic on their view of the world and never afraid of challenges; Futuristas tend to be involved in movements that impact millions; Futuristas can usually be identified by their incredible sense of style and can often be found wearing their New Futuro swag.
"Pedro is a Futurista who wants to go to college and then plans build a tech company that will help millions of Latinos get into college and beyond."
by El_Guy August 24, 2012
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An amazing group of forward-thinking individuals who are passionate about changing the world. Usually human beings, or human being-focused individuals; Always optimistic on their view of the world and never afraid of challenges, Futuristas tend to be involved with movements that impact millions.

FTF the other guy who made this all about folks of Latin descent.
"...well look at me now. All up in the interwebs! World-wide! 2009! Futurista!"
-- Die Antwoord
by two1schfifty5 February 2, 2016
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