Obviously there are fuck girls too but today I am naming the fuck boys of transformers
The fuck boy transformer list is down here and reason why they fuck boys and ship
Starscream-He is hot, no way he isn't a fuck boy. If anything he is the most fuck boy. (Slipstream definite ship)
Knockout- He flirt (With starscream)
Optimus Prime- In prime he held hands with Arcee so he is automatically a fuck boy.. (But ship with Elita-1)
Alpha Q- Obviously a transformers with 3-4 heads is a fuck boy. (With his other heads, shipped)
Bumblebee- He is always with Wind blade in cyberverse. How can he NOT be a fuck boy? (Def windblade for ship)
Grimlock: In cyberverse him and Arcee is definite ship. (Arcee of courseee!!)
(People who ship with are in the "()")
by Ariel Aries December 9, 2020
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