A fox that croaks like a frog. They are most commonly known for their role during the final minute of Aqueous Transmission by Incubus
Guy 1: The whole last minute of that song was just frog's croaking!

Guy 2: Nah dude, it was froxes!
by NattyKongo July 31, 2010
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The mix between a Rumsickle and a Pappsickle which comes out to be a drink or substance that brings delight, joy, and a beautiful life.
Oh, that boy Andy just had some Froxe you know he is in a good mood.
by Dandy Pappmore August 18, 2009
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Frox is from the word plox, Generally used by the more veteran users of games and the internet. Used generally as a parody of stupid users who say plz or pls. but frox meaning freaking pls or plz.
Can i have your babies frox? phr33 money frox. etc. frox is leet.
by jonnajoho June 3, 2009
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