Military slang, phonetic abbreviation for "Cluster Fucked", metaphorically describing an incoherant entanglement of a certain situation or formation.
Don't break you're chain of command, then I'll have a shitload of paperwork coming my way and it'll turn my schedule into a big Charlie Foxtrot.

When marching, keep your distance, interval and cover, or the formation is a Charlie Foxtrot.
by Zack Warr March 4, 2007
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Departing, leaving. Politer way of saying "Fuck Off"
I'm bored of this. Shall we Foxtrot Oscar out of here?
by Pollock March 4, 2003
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From the NATO phonetic alphabet often used in military slang, meaning "buddy fucker" or someone who intentionally finds pleasure in getting a fellow soldier in trouble with a higher ranking soldier.
Captain: Pvt. Paladin you better come clean on who's been fucking around with Pvt. Robin.

Pvt. Paladin: If I did sir, I would be considered a bravo foxtrot, you know a buddy fucker.

Captain: You don't have to tell me then. I already know. It was Sergeant Wakeup and it happened at the Y in town, wasn't it.
by The_Paladin_Houston August 4, 2009
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The abbreviation for Cluster-Fuck (CF) using the Phonetic Alphabet
I knew that mission was going to be a huge charlie foxtrot after things started to hit the fan
by heavyhippo July 10, 2006
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An alt of clusterfuck which can be used in the presence of children, parents, or other groups one might wish to avoid cursing in front of.
"Somebody un-charlie foxtrot this charlie foxtrot."
-Captain of a local educational sailing vessel upon discovering a clusterfuck of rope while instructing a class of fifth-graders.
by Asok_Green August 19, 2007
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A U.S. Army definition synonymous with "Blue Falcon," and like such, means "Buddy Fucker."
Jonesy: You're not a Bravo Foxtrot, are you? I need to buy a pack, so don't be a Bravo Foxtrot and tell on me, okay?

Jamesy: Okay, Jonesy, you know I'm not. We are like brothers!
by Jay-2-tha-M May 2, 2008
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Foxtrot November is code for Fu<king Nightmare, the most dangerous zombie (code Zulu) class in the series "Arisen" by Michael Stephen Fuchs and Glynn James. Unlike the slow, shambling zombies who arise at the beginning of the plague, Foxtrot Novembers are nightmarishly fast and exist only to infect humans as rapidly as possible.
We lost Bob when a Foxtrot November leapt on top of the jeep and jumped 20 feet into the air to catch Bob as he climbed the rope to the helicopter. Bob made it in, but the infection spread fast and we lost him in minutes.
by VioletlovesBlue February 1, 2018
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