mobile flip cup. use a folding party table, 18 pack of your finest brew, and some red cups. pull out the table in the street in front of your house, play a round. rinse and repeat in front of every house in the block, thusly completing one round of flip cup the block.

best done at 2:30am with screaming neighbors.
whoa i can't believe we played flip cup the block last night. we had to clean out so many beer cans.
by gbong September 16, 2007
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A version of flip cup played by a room full of bros and preferably without shirts. Cups must be filled to the brim. This may or may not induce intense vomiting.
After a game of full beer flip cup, half the room chanted "FULL BEER...FLIP CUP" while the other shirtless bros puked in the corner.
by hill nasty October 16, 2008
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Now known as "Batavia Downs" Indian Run Flip Cup is popular game of flip cup in which there is no winner or winning team only a losing player. Takes place around a circular table with at least four players. Two players standing opposite of each other, start at the same time. As each player successfully flips their cup the next person to their right proceeds. After each successful flip, players must refill their cup in the event that the player standing directly left of them successfully lands their cup. The game continues as a circular race until a player is unable to successfully flip their cup, before the person directly to their left flips theirs.
Yo, let's play a game of Indian Run Flip Cup.
by Uncle Flea June 9, 2010
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A version of flip cup played by a room full of bros and preferably without shirts. Cups must be filled to the brim. This may or may not induce intense vomiting.
After a game of full beer flip cup, half the room chanted "FULL BEER FLIP CUP" while the other shirtless bros puked in the corner.
by 1014 Bros September 16, 2008
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A variation of Traditional Flip Cup designed with the purpose of making the participants unable to continue drinking. It normally involves only two participants and 5-8 cups per side, each filled with a full beer.
The Party almost had a fight break out, but they made them settle things over River Kwai Flip Cup. After that, they were too drunk to stand.
by RivKwai October 24, 2009
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Teams consist of 6 players. At the start of each series, teams will be placed on opposing sides of their designated tables. FCG will determine the amount of beverage to be poured into each cup at the start of each competition. FCG will designate the side of the table that will start the race. Games begin with a gentleman’s tap (tap cups, down to the table, up to the mouth). Once the tap is completed, the relay race begins. Once a cup’s contents are finished, the player must place the cup mouth up on the edge of the table. The cup will be flipped from this position until it lands mouth down. Players cannot touch their cup until the previous player’s cup is 100% face down on the table. The remaining players will repeat the same process until all members have successfully flipped their cups. In the event that the last 2 cups land and settle at the same time, the game will is considered a do-over. The first team to successfully flip all of their cups wins the round. The first team to win 4 times will win the best of 7 series. Each player must flip each game and can only use one hand to flip cups. Players who spill or pour out excessive beverage from their cup will have to start over.
The Flip Cup Guys love to play Flip Cup ( Tournament Version).
by Flip Cup Guys February 21, 2008
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a drinking game that consists of combining flip cup and beirut. It is played with 3 cups per team set up in the beirut style fashion. When a cup is plunked then it has to be drank and then flipped in a flip cup style. Only one flip is allowed per cup, if made it goes back on the table and is filled with beer, if missed then it is done for the game. The team that wins will have eliminated all of the other team's cups first.

"Let's go to the soccer house tonight. Those hot guys are always playing three cup flip" exclaimed Barbi.

by Zeus and Thor June 25, 2007
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