Desire, sexual attraction, or intense feelings of love towards a fictional character, similar in strength and application of those felt towards real people.

Fictophiles rare experience fictophilia exclusively while being unable to connect with real people, but often fictophilic desires persist even when the person is in a serious real life relationship.
After realising she judged every relationship by how much like Hermione Granger her girlfriends were, Jane came to suspect she might meet the criteria for fictophilia.

He was so in love with Dean Winchester, he knew it was fictophilic.
by JustJasper December 16, 2010
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A paraphilia which causes the person with it to feel romantic or sexual attraction to fictional characters the same way as a person would normally feel those things to a real person. This paraphilia can be preferential, primary, or exclusive.
I have fallen in love with many fictional characters due to my fictophilia.
by Shugunou April 14, 2023
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