Make a new friend day!go to a place and ask some people to be your friend.Or you can make some online!Maybe even make a friend group:).
February 4th

Steve:hey bob wanna be bffs?
Kevin:yeah sure man!
And they were bffs for the rest of their life .
by The Lord loves you! January 31, 2021
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That’s the only day in the world where the most beautiful kids were born😍 They most likely become an actor, a model, a singer or a dancer 🥰
February 4th is the day of most beautiful people being born.
by Just speaking facts xx October 14, 2021
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National give someone with a birthday of February 4th your hoodie
Person 1: *hands sweatshirt*
Person 2: why
Person 1: it’s February 4th

Person 2: hell yeah
by MJishere October 3, 2021
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