A movement for people who don't want to move, so they make excuses to hide their unhealthy lifestyle.

Primarily toted by white women (for some reason) who are 99% of the time overweight, and oddly enough have bright hair, and some bear a nose ring, because nobody wanted to put one on their finger.
Originated on Tiktok. Or Twitter, I don't know or care at this point.
Guy 1: Hey, what're you watching?
Guy 2: Some video on whatever the fuck fat acceptance is.
Guy 1: Do you mean those people that expect the entire damn world to change for them despite they themselves being too lazy to go for a jog?
Guy 2: Yeah.
by grand autismo III October 31, 2023
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The only movement with no movement
The only movement in the fat acceptance movement is going to McDonalds to get a large Big Mac large combo, then come back 10 minutes for the same thing.
by TheContentiousAsshole October 24, 2022
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